
Something Exciting...!!
Konnichiwa! It's soooo cold right now!The strongest cold wave is coming this week, so it's freezing. How's the weather where you are?Last night, I watched the weather news, and it...
Something Exciting...!!
Konnichiwa! It's soooo cold right now!The strongest cold wave is coming this week, so it's freezing. How's the weather where you are?Last night, I watched the weather news, and it...

Beginning of Spring!
Konnichiwa! January has ended, and February has begun.February is a transitional season between winter and spring. In Japan, we have 24 seasonal terms based on the lunar calendar, and today,...
Beginning of Spring!
Konnichiwa! January has ended, and February has begun.February is a transitional season between winter and spring. In Japan, we have 24 seasonal terms based on the lunar calendar, and today,...

Which season do you like ??
Konnichiwa! Do you like winter season??As of me, I dont like to feel cold, but I like winter season. Because in winter season, Japan have biggest festival in Sapporo.Yes, "Snow...
Which season do you like ??
Konnichiwa! Do you like winter season??As of me, I dont like to feel cold, but I like winter season. Because in winter season, Japan have biggest festival in Sapporo.Yes, "Snow...

Konnichiwa from Watson! Today, I would like to introduce you one of the Japanese traditional culture for new year. That is calling "HATSUMOUDE".Hatsumoude is the first visit to a shrine...
Konnichiwa from Watson! Today, I would like to introduce you one of the Japanese traditional culture for new year. That is calling "HATSUMOUDE".Hatsumoude is the first visit to a shrine...

Time past so fast...!!
Konnichiwa from Watson Bio Lab! How are you for all??January has already finished half... It's amazing...Time past so fast..! Fast.. Fast.., so this speed is like our NEXTY-S turbo dial!!Our...
Time past so fast...!!
Konnichiwa from Watson Bio Lab! How are you for all??January has already finished half... It's amazing...Time past so fast..! Fast.. Fast.., so this speed is like our NEXTY-S turbo dial!!Our...

About New Year at Japan
Konnichiwa!How is your new year's day??In Japan, almostly have "Osechi" and "Ozouni" they are specially new year food.And have "Omochi" and "Oshiruko"... Fmmm... my memory is only food XD ...
About New Year at Japan
Konnichiwa!How is your new year's day??In Japan, almostly have "Osechi" and "Ozouni" they are specially new year food.And have "Omochi" and "Oshiruko"... Fmmm... my memory is only food XD ...